I am packing my things to go to the CGOA conference in Charleston, SC and realized that once again I don't have enough crocheted wearables! I had promised myself that this year things would be different that I would take the time throughout the year to make things for myself, but guess what? It's time to go again and nothing has changed... LOL
Pressure makes me thrive, so this past week I made two crochet necklaces and a top from one of Doris Chan's patterns since I'll be attending the hall of fame ceremony where she will be honored.
I also decided to crochet an edge around a linen top I bought at Target, simple, easy and very quick. While I was doing it, I took a little video for you to see, I took the sound off because my 8 year old was reading a chapter book to me and I don't really think you want to hear the story of Captain Toad.
For this project, I used size 10 mercerized cotton thread and a size 10 steel hook. Enjoy!
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